thoughts and thoughts

1) See your life through reflective eyes, what makes you tick? What brings you to life? Is that in the mirror you find?
2) Am I awake? Is my life in autopilot? Can't tell if I'm fake, or even alive. Am I me? And who is she? I don't know who the fuck I can be. We are told we are this, it is said we're that, but I don't know what I might miss if I don't follow my own path. 
3) Don't look at me like that, I could die. Don't touch me that way, it only feeds my appetite. My head lies to me, my body follows along. I know I'm reading too far into everything, and all I can do is keep telling myself I'm wrong. But fuck you for being like you are. It feels too right when you're around. Everytime you speak I get chills from the sound. Please, I'm begging you, no more touches, looks or conversation. I really don't think my heart and mind can take it. 


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